
Teens Talk – Ashley River

The Library on the Ashley River 2824 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC, United States

Our teen advisory board is planning out the next few months. Come with ideas, suggestions, or opinions! Tell us what slays and what is trash. Third Wednesday of each month from 6pm to 7pm December 18 (Register beginning 12/4) Register here! January 15 (Register beginning 1/1) Register here! February 19 (Register beginning 2/5) Register here! […]


Silvery Sneakers on the Ashley River

The Library on the Ashley River 2824 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC, United States

Start the new year with brisk walks on the nature path circling the Ashley River branch. Fitness walks for senior adults, ages 50+, will meet every Thursday, weather permitting. The first meeting is on January 2nd (by the main entrance) Thursdays from 10am to 10:30am  


Tiny Tales – North Charleston

North Charleston Library 8620 Patriot Blvd, North Charleston, SC, United States

Build early literacy skills by listening to stories and singing interactive songs. Ages 0-5 Thursdays, 10:30am to 11am (except except 12/26 & 1/2)


Toddlertime – Ashley River

The Library on the Ashley River 2824 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC, United States

Enjoy storytime with songs, books, fingerplays, and early literacy skills! Feel free to stay and play afterward. Thursdays at 10:30am December 12th through February 20 (except 12/26) Ages 5 & under


Sensory Playtime – North Charleston

North Charleston Library 8620 Patriot Blvd, North Charleston, SC, United States

Hands on playtime for children to develop social, science, & motor skills. Ages 0-5 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00am to 11:30am (except 12/3,12/24-1/2, 1/16, & 2/11)


LEGO Club – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Play, build, and get creative with LEGO toys and your fellow LEGO enthusiasts at this hour long drop-in. Ages 6-12 Thursdays 3:30 - 4:30pm 12/12 - 12/19 & 1/9 - 2/20,

*CANCELLED* Adventurer’s: Valentine Hearts – North Charleston

North Charleston Library 8620 Patriot Blvd, North Charleston, SC, United States

*CANCELLED* Join us to learn about the heart and create one in this hands-on Valentine STEM program. Register beginning 2/5. Ages 12-18 Ashley River: February 19 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm 2824 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC Register Online Here! North Charleston: February 20 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm 8620 Patriot Blvd, North Charleston, SC Register Online […]


Movie Book Club – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Read the books that inspired some of your favorite movies! Ages 18+ December 19th at 6pm- Nothing Lasts Forever by Roderick Thorp (Die Hard) *Postponed* New date TBD! January 16th at 6pm- The Girl on the Train by by Paul Hawkins February 20th at 6pm- The Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier

Teen Cooking Class – Ashley River

The Library on the Ashley River 2824 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC, United States

*Registration is Full* Learn to make your own Pasta, practice knife skills, and get cooking! Participants are invited to bring a canned good item to donate to our food drive. (Register beginning 2/6) Register online here! Ages 12 to 18 Thursday, February 20th from 6pm to 7:30pm


SC Bar Law Talks – Ashley River

The Library on the Ashley River 2824 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC, United States

Meet with local volunteer attorneys to discuss important legal topics, sponsored by the SC Bar. Each session will include an overview of the topic and Q&A with the attorney. Registration is not required, but space is limited. Ages 18+ Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:30pm to 7:30pm February 11: Estate Planning - Evan will speak about why […]


Play-Doh Pals – Ashley River

The Library on the Ashley River 2824 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC, United States

Love playdoh but hate the mess it leaves? Worry not! Drop in for weekly themed playdoh play! Fridays from 10:30am to 11:30am December 13th through February 21st Ages 3-5