
Free Play Saturday – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Preschool drop-in hour of socialization and free play. Various toys and activities will be provided for little ones to explore, build, and play as they meet new friends! Ages 5 & under Saturdays, 3/15 - 4/12 & 5/3 - 5/24 from 10:30 - 11:30AM

*POSTPONED TILL SUMMER* Shelter Heroes: Helping Hands with Dorchester Paws – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

*POSTPONED TILL SUMMER* Join Dorchester Paws to make enrichment toys, kennel cards, and other items for the shelter animals while learning about donations, adoptions, giving back, and the Dorchester Paws organization! Ages 7 to 12 *POSTPONED TILL SUMMER* Saturday, March 29th from 1pm to 4pm If you can, please bring in item(s) from Dorchester Paws' […]


Teen Gamers – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Join other gamers for a chance to chat, hang out, and (of course) play video and board games! Ages 12 to 18 Sundays from 2:30 - 4:00 PM 3/30, 4/13, 5/4, & 5/18

Kibble for Books! – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Bring unopened bags of pet food to benefit Dorchester Paws and get books during the month of April! Adults


Little LEGO Club – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Preschool drop-in playtime with various types of blocks designed to encourage the development of early literacy skills and lifelong learning! Ages 5 & under Tuesdays, 3/11 - 5/20 from 3:30 - 4:30 PM


Chess Club – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Learn to be a chess master and have fun playing a friendly, competitive game with fellow chess enthusiasts. All skill levels welcome! Ages 9+ Tuesdays, 3/11 - 5/20 from 5:30 - 6:30 PM


Baby & Me – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

A language enrichment storytime program for caregivers and their babies. Learn new bounces and rhymes you can do at home! Ages 2 & under Wednesdays; 3/12 - 5/21 at 10:30 AM *MUSC SafeKids will be at the May 14th storytime to discuss and give out resources on water safety for children.*


Storytots – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

A special storytime with books, fingerplays, and rhymes chosen to engage little minds and foster early literacy skills! Ages 5 & under Wednesdays; 3/12 - 5/21 at 11:00 AM *MUSC SafeKids will be at the May 14th storytime to discuss and give out resources on water safety for children.*


Tech Thursdays – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Schedule a 30 minute one-on-one session with a librarian to learn basic technology skills. Call 843-871-5075 Ext. 2 to schedule. For senior adults Every Thursday from 10am to 12pm


LEGO Club – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Play, build, and get creative with LEGO toys and your fellow LEGO enthusiasts at this hour long drop-in. Ages 6 to 12 Thursdays, 3/13 - 5/22 from 3:30 - 4:30 PM


Free Play Saturday – Summerville

Summerville Library 76 Old Trolley Road, Summerville, United States

Preschool drop-in hour of socialization and free play. Various toys and activities will be provided for little ones to explore, build, and play as they meet new friends! Ages 5 & under Saturdays, 3/15 - 4/12 & 5/3 - 5/24 from 10:30 - 11:30AM